Tag Archives: Moses


“And he said, The LORD came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; he shined forth from mount Paran, and he came with ten thousands of saints: from his right hand went a fiery law for them.” – Deuteronomy 33 vs 2

God inhabits the praises of the saints, and of those whose heart are with him. Where his Glory settles there is restoration and increase. Upon Mount Zion there is deliverance. From one Mount he moves to another. God’s Glory overwhelms the highest of Mounts. Yes! His Glory dominates every form of darkness. Praise God.

Moses beheld his Glory and his countenance changed. It qualified him so that he was able to stand before the Ancient of Days. He became a moving fire and an embodiment of prophesies. He was God’s own Prophet. God honored his Declarations and unleashed his Rhema through him. Through him the twelve tribes of Israel were blessed and repositioned for greatness starting from the first, Reuben.

To be with God is to have the majority on your side. This is the Truth. Jesus reiterated this truth in John 14 vs 1 when he encouraged his disciples to have faith in him and to relax. Our God is a consuming fire that burns down daemonic bridges connecting his children to ancient satanic covenants. You are free indeed because his Glory lives in you.

All around him was a glowing halo, like a rainbow shining in the clouds on a rainy day. This is what the glory of the Lord looked like to me. When I saw it, I fell face down on the ground” (Ezekiel 1:28).


Understanding the risk in self consciousness

The length of time spent actively in Kingdom work is not a guarantee that both the service and the servant will continue to enjoy divine approval and support. Yes, a man who has so far given forty years of his life to the vineyard can lose all the promises and privileges he should receive in a second. Well, God’s benevolent Spirit once said to me…

“The characters you find in the Bible are of two categories; The ones that obeyed, and the ones who were punished for their disobedience. Both categories are examples to guide you”

This wisdom has always echoed in my mind. You will be surprised to find, or perhaps really sad to learn, that the ones that began very well missed it all with just one mistake. One error can cut your journey towards fulfilment short. This is the Truth.

Moses, whose ministry we draw our lesson from in this message, gave more than forty years into vineyard service. He was so committed that today we could still project him as a patriarch of our faith. The toughness of his assignment was out of this world. He gave up everything including comfort and his family to lead Israel out from captivity and through the wilderness for forty long and frustrating years. The toughest part of the mandate was leading a people whose whole being and mentality had been moulded overtime by hardship. A people whose rebelliousness is a consequence of the evil they have had to adjust to and accept as normalcy. So to really do his task he gave up much more than any other leader or prophet has ever sacrificed in the course of their duty. This burden brought him closer to God. Deuteronomy 34 vs 10 testifies to this:

“Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face”

But he missed the final lap. When he was almost there his Journey was immediately terminated As I studied on for more insight I felt a wave of sadness for him. How can this be fair, I thought. But as I read further my eyes were opened to see the very reason why it really ended like that. Moses at a point became a Lord in his own Kingdom. Remember he began as just a messenger. But as time passed the huge responsibility got the best of him and he became conscious of the Power he welded as the leader of a people. So he could relay God’s messages his own way. He questioned God’s resolve to forgive and help his people. By so doing he dishonored God and projected himself as their Lord and Savior. Read:

“He and Aaron gathered the assembly together in front of the rock and Moses said to them, “Listen, you rebels, must we bring you water out of this rock?” Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff. Water gushed out, and the community and their livestock drank” – Numbers 20 vs 11

Moses’s offence was so great that Heaven had to put an end to his journey immediately. God’s servant has evolved into a Lord and Savior. So if he could be this while still in the wilderness, he will come all out to challenge God in Canaan land. Perhaps God had seen The Serpent do yet again the very thing he did with Adam and Eve with his servant Moses. But he was proud of him for the work he did that he saved his Soul and buried his body himself so that Satan wouldn’t claim it. Praise God!

Dear Servant of God, remember to ask the Spirit to always break you and to help you stay humble and focused on the calling. The world needs to pray this way for our Enemy Satan is a roaring lion 🦁 running to and fro in search of believers to devour. Keep your gaze on Jesus.

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The Vision and The Instruction

Because God is not an author of confusion when he establishes a channel of communication through a human being he ensures there are set instructions on what the individual must do. Divine instructions are tools with which the messengers navigates the purpose.

There are a handful of individuals who after receiving their calls where given instructions on what to do by God.


Moses’s calling was a difficult and confusing one. First a very violent scene was arranged to show him a picture of the fate of his people in Israel. Then he committed murder out of anger because he couldn’t stand the oppression meted on his brother. That crime got him exiled and stranded in thethe wilderness. Things got really tough until the set time when God appeared to him. There are then his instruction was clearly stated and moved with it. The instruction made the burden easier and lighter.


For Joseph it was a tough one. In a dream it was revealed to him what Path Heaven has drafted for him. But that was just the beginning. Trouble followed afterwards. From one hell to another Joseph spent most of his time wondering if what he saw was only a dream. His suffering and temptations continued until the set time for his uplifting. That was when he realized what the dream was about. It was only an insight into what God has in store for his destiny.

These two patriarchs of faith only had their calling finally revealed to them in full after undergoing serious exhausting stages. They were refined by the horror they faced initially. This preparatory phase is still today as relevant and applicable as it was then.

Keep faith in the storm. It may get tougher than you expected but it is for your good. At the end glory awaits.