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When you acknowledge Christ as your lord and savior your redemption is total. After all Jesus paid for your Soul in advance thousands of years ago. He bought you with his blood knowing you will be born in Sin and may live a while in it. You belong to him.

Paul threw more light on this Truth. For indeed this is the Truth. Read:

“Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men”- 1 Corinthians 7 vs 23

Therefore, you are no slave to anyone. Neither is your allegiance for your fellow man. It is then erroneous to say “I am of the household of this Man or the other Man”. None of them paid for your sin. Follow the exact instructions of your calling if you are called to a specific divine assignment. See Paul’s suggestion with regards to that;

Regardless, each one should lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him and to which God has called him. This is what I prescribe in all the churches – 1 Corinthians 7 vs 17

Wherever you may be divinely situated for God’s work, depend on the directive of the Spirit of God and remember always that your service is to God and not Man.


There is no argument that the world we live in today is in dire straits. Its a world that is really due for judgement as the enemy Satan has expanded his campaign to reach as many souls as he can even those with the marks of the elect on them. Everything is under pressure including the internet, homes, marriages, government institutions, and more especially the Church. Amidst God’s own garden of Roses are Thorny weeds planted by the enemy.

It is such a tough world to be a believer in. One where consistency in loyalty to God is a very difficult feat to achieve. A place where wolves take the appearance of sheep 🐑. And straying herds will have itself to blame. Then you have cases where goats walk boldly through the doors while the sheep jump high windows.It is totally evil what is happening now.

While the Watchmen sleep the enemy sneaks in to spray seeds of discord and confusion amidst God’s children. The thorns grow and shadow out the Roses thereby creating an illusion of faith where there is none. Appearance becomes the order of the day. Earth has become bigger and smaller at the same time. A system is birthed that offers keys to solving basic problems at a fantastic speed. This is what keeps man on his toes. The thorns have become the open doors. The Roses 🌹 🌹 are no where to be found. They have withered and are gone.

The Thorns; What Are They?

They are the friendly enemies. The Judases. The initiators. The harbingers of evil report. The serial sinners. The devil’s incarnates. The agents of Kingdom darkness. They are goal driven: to pull down as many souls as they can. This is their simple instruction. Destroy until the lights are out. They are behind the scenes wherever destruction happens. They are bad omens and are okay with the sufferings mankind is trapped in.

The Way out of Thorny Situations

Pray to overcome their evil tactics. Pray without season. Then remember to flee every appearance of evil. Don’t negotiate with evil. You will never win. Just avoid everything that looks like temptation around and in your life. Remember to run as fast as your feet can take you

Arm yourself with these Passages: Mathew 26 vs 41, 1 These 5 vs 16 -22

David’s Angels (Destiny Helpers)

David’s war successes were not only due to his solo efforts nor were they completely as a result of his prowess. He had with him three great warriors who gave their all in all towards supporting him in his war campaigns. Who were they?

Divine Helper
  1. Jashobeam: The leader of the three. He was of the tribe of Hacono. It is recorded in 2 Samuel 23 vs 8 that he once used his spear to kill 800 enemy warrior in a single battle.
  2. Eleazar: The Second in command. He is the Son of Dodai of the tribe of Ahoah. He once stood by David alone against the Philistines when the entire army of Israel fled. It is recorded in verse 9 that he killed so many philistines until he became too tired.
  3. Shammah: Son of Agee from the tribe of Harar. He was the third in command. It is recorded that he once stood against enemy alone at the center of the field and beat them back.

These three were so great and loyal that they once broke through the enemy line just to fetch drinking water for David. They gave their all to see that David succeeded.

Jesus and his twelve

Just like David, Jesus enjoyed the loyalty of his first disciples. They were with him most of the time ensuring the crowd did not get too close to him. They accepted his teaching and followed his footstep even to death. These were brave men who executed the great commission.

God understands that without destiny helpers it would be difficult to execute his instructions 100% in a chaotic world like this. Moses, Joshua, Gideon, and the others all had helps without which they could do nothing. These helpers were all there when they were needed most.

Dear Messengers, May heaven provide for you your destiny helpers when you need them most.