A tale of sorrow and of pain of a woman in great distress. What was wrong?
God came to Jeremiah in a revelation with a poetic description of a pitiable situation of a woman whose voice can be heard across Ramah. She was in a great despair for her children are no more. How Jeremiah felt at such a time will be nothing short of pity. How do you comfort such a woman? Will your words be enough? Her children are no more.

Rachel in this prophesy represents Israel in a time when the Jews were in captivity. It was a time of great sorrow for a country constantly plunged by her enemies. Babylon had taken the people into captivity. There is no denying the obvious truth that many would have died while resisting. Heaven has heard their cries and God has remembered her.
So God declared unto Jeremiah his plan for Rachel and her children. Restoration is possible. All that has been lost will be restored. Thus he did with the assurance of a brighter future.
God’s Promise
In Mathew 2 vs 9, Mathew compares the sisituation in the time of Jeremiah to that which happened around the time of the birth of Christ when new borns were slaughtered. It was a time of great sorrow. However Jesus was safely moved out into Egypt until Herod died. Then he was returned to Israel where he grew and fulfilled his purpose.
God promises RESTORATION to all who mourn and are in sorrow. There is hope. Be comforted.
- You will be restored
- You will be pardoned
- There is hope for the future
May all you have lost be replenished a thousand fold. AMEN