As part of his assignment Jesus proposed a very simple prayer as a guide to his new converts. He understood they would need it and drafted a simple prayer for them. Before Christ only the Pharisees were permitted to read the scriptures and lead in songs. In Mathew 6 all that changed. Thus he opened theirs eyes to all they have been denied of.

Our Father in Heaven
They can talk to God directly now. No one has to do that on their behalf. He is in heaven but is very near.
Hallowed be Your Name
God cherishes our praise. He adores it when we say it ourselves. May everything that has breath praise the Lord. This is what God cherishes.
Thy Kingdom Come
We can ask for God’s authority to be established in our homes, business centers, churches, school and especially on earth. His Kindom represents his glory and power.
Thy Will be Done on Earth
We can ask for God’s Will to be done. We know that his will represents his thoughts for us (Jeremiah 29 vs 11). We can ask for that too.
Grant us This Day our Daily Bread
Meet us at our point of need today both in the spirit and in kind. God will never leave nor forsake.
Forgive us Our Sins as We forgive others
Jesus knew that we must forgive others if we are to be forgiven. This is the way of Heaven. God is ever ready to forgive.
Lead us not into Temptation
There are trials and temptations that Heaven permits. But then they are to help us become better. However, if we daily as for safety, even mercy will prevail for our sake.
Deliver us from all Evil
This especially is God’s desire for us. He wants us to stay safe and be comforted. He is ever willing to defend us. (Psalm 91 vs Isaiah 54)
All power and glory belongs to Yahweh. He is ever faithful to help us in times of need. Now, may the grace of our Lord Jesus. The love of God. The fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Be with you now and forever even until the return of our saviour