As the country counts down to the next election, parties are beginning to execute their campaign plans. This is usually the time loyalty is measured by participation. It is very difficult to identify with two rival parties at once. The consequence can be collosal. Betrayers are dealt seriously with sometimes. Party members must represent their parties everywhere within the short time left for campaigns. Such loyal members are “clear-cut” followers.
Politics is not the only place where commitment is emphasized. In the body of Christ it is of utmost importance. It is a demand. God expects this of us. In Ephesians 5 we find Paul Instructing the Church On what to do live up to expectation. He began by demanding that they imitate Christ. They must be practical with their faith. That includes staying away completely from certain habits that misrepresents Christ. The Church must not condone it.
‘But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people” – Ephesians 5 vs 3
A little stain can spread all over a white garment. Knowing how dangerous it is it should not be condoned. Paul went on to warn against false teachers and preachers who cover uncleanliness in their congregation. He reminds us in verse 6 of the obvious consequence of disobedience;
Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient.
Are you a clear- cut believer? Are you as practical as you are expected to be? The door is wide open and you can be committed to doing exactly as the word of God instructs. Heaven rewards hardwork
Our Father in Heaven is an epitome of a perfect parent. He is indeed perfect in all ramifications. An earthly father disciplines his child because he hopes that by so doing he would be correcting him. But because of his imperfections as human he does sometimes forgets the purpose for chastising the child. In such a situation the child is abused eventually. But God wouldn’t do that to his own.
When we disobey God something terrible happens to our Soul. It dies. Sin is Death. Now this is a loss to Heaven, and it is one God doesn’t take lightly. Yahweh is particularly concerned about those he for one reason or the other brought close to himself as he did with Israel. Such he disciplines whenever they disobey so as to raise them from their ashes stronger and better.
Chastisement shakes the Soul up and out from the weakness of the flesh and improves the man.
We are tested through fire so as to enforce consistency in holiness without which we can do nothing. Then we are released.
The prophesy of the two Baskets of Figs as recorded in Jeremiah 24 throws light on God’s methodology of chastisement. God came in a vision to his messenger Jeremiah with a prophesy for the future of Judah. This was immediately after Nebuchadnezzar had carried away Jeconnah the Son Jehoiakim; King of Judah, and the officials of Judah with the craftsmen and smiths from Jerusalem and had brought them to Babylon. One of the baskets had in it ripe and beautiful figs, the other one had bad figs.
Basket A: The Good Figs
This basket represents those taken into captivity by Nebuchadnezzar. They are those God is very interested in. If you notice in Jeremiah 24 vs 1 they include men and women with divine gifts who God had burdened with certain skills for the future of Israel. He raised Nebuchadnezzar to move them to Babylon where they will be preserved though they are being chastised by God. (Jeremiah 24 vs 5 – 7)
This basket has in it those marked for destruction. (Jeremiah 24 vs 8). God describes them as “very bad”. You understand that there are fruits that even though are bad still has parts that can be eaten. Those can be declared useful. But these ones are so bad that they can’t be eaten, said Yahweh. They included the King of Judah Zedekiah and his princess, and the rest of the people who were not taken into captivity. They would have probably thought they were better off than the people taken into captivity. The people in this container are condemned to damnation. (Jeremiah 24 vs 9). Their choices in life put them in that basket. They are the stubborn ones who has continuously challenged God and blasphemed his name.
Beloved child of God, when you pass through trials it is for your own good. Sometimes it is God shaking your systems to shake off your inner weaknesses. Hold on tight to Christ. The season will be over soon. It is well with you.
Am not sure how this message will be received in a time like this when Grace is the sermon from almost every pulpit across christian communities and Live Streams on TV’s and social media platforms. God is presented as a soft and considerate creator who overlooks Man’s weakness. I have heard a preacher say “It doesn’t matter if you sin or not. It’s that simple. Jesus has paid for your sins and he did so in advance”. So congregants come to Church with the mindset that the sins they plan to commit after service is forgiven already. And so Jesus has bought us over with his blood. Grace has got us all covered. Does it then mean Yahweh has discarded his own words or swallowed them like we often say? Is his commandment obsolete? Not at all. His principles are still the same.
God’s Laws Are Forever
After God released his people Israel from bondage in Egypt he read out his expectations to Moses which became laws that should guide them. This is today known as the Ten Commandments. It became pertinent to provide rules and regulations as man would be lost without them and would challenge his creator. He would also forget to worship his maker who protects, defends and provides for him.
The Mosaic Law
To begin with, concerning the Law, Jesus cleared the air about his position when the scribes confronted him.
Matthew 5:17“Do not think that I have come to abolish Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.”
Preceding his birth are prophecies and establishments that pointed towards the purpose of his coming. Worthy of note is God’s plan especially concerning the methodology of worship. Jesus would after resurrection become the recognized high priest, one whose priesthood would be by the order of Mekizedek, and of the tribe of Judah.
Some aspects of the law will be modified such as the command to love one’s neighbor as oneself. Jesus understood that God The Father still remains the Power that be whose principles must be adhered to. He remains still the God of all flesh and a very jealous one at that.
Though Christ’s death meant we could sin against God and be forgiven, it is not an excuse to sin freely. To correct that impression quickly, Christ gave instances of punishments that would be meted out to those that would fail to meet up with God’s standards. For example, the story of the Rich and Poor man points to a similar kind of Justice that was obtainable under Moses.
The difference is the time of it’s execution. While offenders were punished instantly under Mosaic Law, under Christ the Soul that sins and dies in sin is condemned and would be thrown into hell. While Grace and Mercy buys you more time to become better and to take advantage of the opportunity Jesus offers us to paradise, it is not a guarantee that you will automatically enter into eternal rest. Now this is why Paul advises us to:
“Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling” – Philippians 2 vs 12
Like the early Christians and Apostles we must get to work and diligently improve ourselves with Heaven on our minds. God still is dishing out judgement on wickedness.
As a young child twenty five years ago, seeing revelations in dreams were strangely normal. I would wake up from a trance and not know that I have been in one. Sharing these experiences with my family was like telling them tales by moonlight. You know I wasn’t so smart in school so it didn’t make sense that God would chose me or even reveal himself to me. So I stopped sharing the things I see with them. But one revelation startled me so much that I ran to my mother to tell her what I saw;
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children” – Hosea 4 vs 6
The Angel in Armour
The Spirit of God took me up into the sky and dropped me on a thick white cloud. The cloud was wide enough to carry two adults or more, and was thick enough for the weight of as many humans as it can carry. While seated on the cloud my eyes caught a gathering of people digging what look like a ditch. They were very focused on what they were doing. They kept digging until all you could see is nothing but darkness. By then an Angel dressed like a Roman centurion was squatting next to me. He was huge. He pointed at the people and shook his head.
“They are looking for answers where there are none. Go and tell them the truth” said the Giant.
This revelation was the most specific of all of the visions I had back then. For this time there was an instruction.
Christ offers us a way back
The world out there is seriously undersiege. Our Enemy Satan has done so much harm than you can ever imagine. He has successfully misled many. Today it’s easier to locate a witch doctor than it is to find a Church whose altar is still pure. Church members are competing with the world over supremacy, and over who patronizes babalawo or witch doctors. God’s children are running to Satan for answers. They are seeking knowledge where there is none. And while at that the Souls of many are nowhere to be found. Because they have been exchanged for silver and gold. This is why Jesus came; To bring mankind back to God. So today, as many as will receive him to them he has given the power to be called the Children of God.
“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” – John 14 vs 6
This is God’s Will for humanity.
What must I do to be saved?
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” – 1John 1 vs 19
By confessing your sins to God you have admitted that you are guilty of the accusations and would like to be saved. He is faithful and is just to forgive you all of them. And to clean you from all your unrighteousness.
Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool – Isaiah 1 vs 18
Be encouraged. There is a reward for taking this step:
“If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land” (Isaiah 1:19).
A new life in Christ is profitable. You are granted access to a very peaceful and prosperous life here on Earth and in Heaven. You can then ask of anything of your father and it will be given you.
“You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it” – John 14 vs 14
When you acknowledge Christ as your lord and savior your redemption is total. After all Jesus paid for your Soul in advance thousands of years ago. He bought you with his blood knowing you will be born in Sin and may live a while in it. You belong to him.
Paul threw more light on this Truth. For indeed this is the Truth. Read:
“Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men”- 1 Corinthians 7 vs 23
Therefore, you are no slave to anyone. Neither is your allegiance for your fellow man. It is then erroneous to say “I am of the household of this Man or the other Man”. None of them paid for your sin. Follow the exact instructions of your calling if you are called to a specific divine assignment. See Paul’s suggestion with regards to that;
Regardless, each one should lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him and to which God has called him. This is what I prescribe in all the churches – 1 Corinthians 7 vs 17
Wherever you may be divinely situated for God’s work, depend on the directive of the Spirit of God and remember always that your service is to God and not Man.
For the newest recruits in the Nigerian Army the first routine exercise would usually be to drop everything that is not listed as basic necessities before entering the drill camp. If they are to survive the heat and the ruggedity of the terrain they would have to let go weights and every form of drawbacks. These things are capable of making a soldier lose focus and his life in the process.
The danger in the field is usually unforseen. A little slumber can be disastrous. The race to heaven to eternal rest demands similar exercise. It will often require letting go the very things that we feel we may not be able to do without. The sweet and familiar things that make life very entertaining and weighty often, and Heaven less a focus.
Truly I tell you,” Jesus said to them, “no one who has left home or wife or brothers or sisters or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age, and in the age to come eternal life.” – Luke 18 vs 29
As impossible as these demands may seem they are sometimes the reason we are miles away from discovering our purpose in life or fulfilling God’s plan for our life. As believers our goal remains to stand before God blameless at the end of our time here. It is then compulsory to cut off every weight and distractions that keep us uninterested in finishing the rain as heaven has given us.
Looking at Jesus the Samarian woman might have wondered what on Earth the stranger was on about. First he wants the chance to drink water and he is a Hebrew. This was a time when discrimination was really high in the region. The Jews were known for looking down on the rest of the tribes around them. So you see she had a good reason to worry. Then came the moment Jesus tries to introduce himself as the much awaited savior of Israel and world at large. He then went on to tell her the stories of her own life. There at that point she was startled and unsettled. Nobody was suppose to know, not one who happens to be a stranger. But then he does. He then has to be all he said he is. The messiah.
At the Well
“You can now worship God right where you are. Time has changed” said Jesus. This means God’s love is universal as had always been. As for the Samarian woman the new Truth did something to her entire being. She is no longer a reject as she had always thought she is. It also means she is now as important as every other person (Jews and Gentiles) is. Her past doesn’t matter anymore. God does not consider her past again. Mercy has found her out and has taken away her shame and regrets.
“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” –Lamentation 3 vs 22-23
As For Zachaeus Jesus passing his province has to be an opportunity for his visitation. He really has been following his crusades and has perhaps witnessed his many miracles. Then the turn for his town came to feel the breeze of hope and healing again.
He grabbed the opportunity and invited Jesus over to his home. Zacchaeus was a tax collector. This was a profession that was so much hated in Israel for the gross corruption it’s known for. He had made money and now belonged to a higher class in the Jewish society. So having Jesus come to his place was an unthinkable feat. And yes, Jesus came.
“So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly” – Luke 19 vs 6
Mercy found the tax collector and everything changed for him. God’s Mercy continues to speak today into our lives and situations. It is more than enough to go round wherever it is called upon. Our God is generous and still is in the business of setting free.
May MERCY prevail over your life and family in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS. Mày Joy be restored back into your family IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS
Although Grace and The Law are two different entities, both are dependent on each other but yet are very important in the kingdom of God. The Law as it was given Moses has been very much around, so has grace. For Law brought orderliness among the Jews when they traversed the wilderness longer than they ought to.
Law kept their excesses in check punishing them for their sins of disobedience. Yet Grace ensured that as many would surrender to the high calling that much would be spared. Grace divided the Sea. Grace fed the people in ways that will today be considered impossible. By Grace Jericho was conquered and Canaan possessed.
While The Law ensured they stayed holy and dedicated to the worship of Yahweh, Grace preserved them and sustained Abraham’s covenant with God. Grace went further to unleash divine Rhema upon as many souls as sought God. Now we live in a time of the manifestation of the glory of God.
The Law Checks our Flawsand Prepares the Way for the manifestation of Grace
Without the Law there would be total chaos even in the house of God. This would only invite trouble and the manifestation of all manners of evil. “Now God has us where he wants us, with all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus. Saving is all his idea, and all his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it” – Ephesians 2 vs 7-10.
There is then no condemnation unto those who are called by Jesus. Those who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit (Romans 8 vs 1). This is Heaven’s Law as it is his will to keep us guided even until the restoration of many.
There are today countless Bible versions on hundred of Bookshelves across the world, and hundred soft copies of the same on a hundred online bookstores. One just have to only walk into a street store or pick an Android phone and download as many Bible apps as possible.
While this is good since it means God’s word is everywhere almost, there is really no easy identification of copies or versions that are false. Not everyone is paying attention to that. Perhaps the Theologians carry out reviews once in a while. Yet that doesn’t do much to the wildfire.
The Three Aspects of translation
The different doctrines that identify with the faith all claim to have revised the Bible. This is indeed the truth. Some of them have gone as far as altering the original content. Here are some views about Bible Translation and Revisions:
“One who translates a verse literally is a liar, since he distorts the meaning of the text, and conversely, one who adds his own translation is tantamount to one who curses and blasphemes God” – Rabbi Yahuda
Williams Tyndale, an early commentator expressed his reservation thus:
“Which thinge onlye moved me to translate the new testament. Because I had perceaved by experyence, how that it was impossible to stablysh the laye people in any truth, excepte the scripture were playnly layde before their eyes in their mother tonge, that they might se the processe, ordre and meaninge of the texte: for els what so ever truth is taught them, these ennymyes of all truth qwench it ageyne, partly with the smoke of their bottomlesse pytte wherof thou readest apocalipfis ix. that is, with apparent reasons of sophistrye & traditions of their awne makynge, sounded with out grounde of scripture, and partely in jugglinge with the texte, expoundinge it in soch a sense as is impossible to gether of the texte, if thou see the processe ordre and meaninge therof”— William Tyndale
“Indeed, I disagree very much with those who are unwilling that Holy Scripture, translated into the vulgar tongue, be read by the uneducated as if Christ taught such intricate doctrines that they could scarcely be understood by very few theologians, or as if the strength of the Christian religion consisted in men’s ignorance of it. The mysteries of kings, perhaps, are better concealed, but Christ wishes His mysteries published as openly as possible. I would that even the lowliest women read the Gospels and the Pauline Epistles. And I would that they were translated into all languages so that they could be read and understood not only by Scots and Irish but also by Turks and Saracens. … Would that, as a result, the farmer sing some portion of them at the plow, the weaver hum some parts of them to the movement of his shuttle, the traveler lighten the weariness of the journey with stories of this kind” — Desiderius Erasmus
There are diverse Schools of thought and their respective views about Bible Translation and what it means to the faith. These view have without doubt affected the religion negatively and positively. One thing has remained the same amidst the chaos; Man’s salvation is the most necessary and will continue to be the central message everywhere around the World