As the season for the commemoration of the birth of Christ draws near, let us reflect on the miracles the news of his birth brought to the world and Israel at that time. One example worthy of note is the divine visitation of Elizabeth, the woman the bible describes as one people called barren (Mathew 1 vs 36)
Elizabeth was the wife of a well known scribe called Zechariah. Their family was a very respected one in her community but she was without a child. And she was mocked for that. Her mockers disregarded her status in the society. It was not a good time for Elizabeth. She lived with that stigma.
But hers is probably one out of many more in her time. There were those who at the time of Christ’s birth were born blind, some lame, some born and discarded because of certain diseases they were born with which they lived with it for a while. These ones had to live with the stigma for as long as they could.
But there will always be a day for sunshine. The dark clouds will not forever cover the sky. Not only did God visit Elizabeth, she gave birth to one of the greatest prophets recorded in the Bible.

“Yes, I say to you, and more than a prophet” (Matthew 11:7,9)
A way maker. Permit me to say, a highly ranked steward in the realms of the Spirit whose existence was prophesied:
“In those days John the Baptist came preaching . . . For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah, saying: ‘The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the LORD; Make His paths straight” (Matthew 3:1,3)
God is aware of what we pass through. He knows the burden we bear and has made plans on restoring us completely with a greater package than we can ever imagine. We are here for a moment. There is always a season for our manifestation. A time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3 vs 11)
Here is the best news; Jesus has given us the key over every problem. The key to even change divine calenders and protocols. We can now call into existence things that be not as though they were and they will actually be.
Therefore, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I decree over every situation in your life that is bringing you pain and shame to be reversed immediately. You are healed in Jesus Name. You are restored in Jesus Name. It is well with you. Victory is yours
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